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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Gone with the Painted World Cup Football Soccer Girls

Hari Buruh | May Day
Hari Buruh yang jatuh tepat pada tanggal 1 Mei yang sering disebut sebagai May Day mungkin tujuan awalnya adalah untuk merayakan keberhasilan ekonomi dan juga sosial dari kaum buruh. Tetapi apakah memang itu tujuan untuk merayakan hari buruh saat ini yang bila mau jujur kalo melihat lebih dalam tentang kondisi kaum buruh yang bagi saya mungkin menganggapnya menyedihkan dan tertindas oleh banyak sistem yang mengaturnya, mulai dari sistem Outsourcing yang konsekuensinya bisa kehilangan pekerjaan apabila kita melakukan kesalahan, pemberlakuan waktu kerja yang melebihi jam kerja kantor, adanya pembatasan pesangaon untuk karyawan, dan masih banyak lagi masalah yang harus dihadapi kaum buruh di hari buruh seperti saat ini.
Kalau melihat dari segi upah buruh yang saat ini UMR sekitar -/+ Rp. 900.000/bulan atau kalau mau dirata-rata hanya mendapatkan Rp. 30.000 mungkin menjadi masalah tersendiri kaum buruh untuk mengatur uang tersebut untuk keperluan sehari-hari dalam tempo satu bulan yang semakin lama pastinya kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut semakin mahal, yang akhirnya mengharuskan nasib buruh untuk ditakdirkan tidak bisa sejahtera dalam segi ekonomi.
Dan hari ini tanggal 1 Mei 2009 saatnya untuk Buruh Indonesia meminta dengan damai tanpa adanya provokasi dari pihak manapun kepada pemerintah agar dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan kaum buruh yang sudah banyak menyumbang pemasukan devisa bangsa ini karena sekitar 80 juta jiwa penduduk di indonesia banyak menjadi buruh ketimbang profesi yang lainnya. Dan semoga esok kaum buruh semakin banyak diperhatikan agar tidak selalu menjadi obyek ketertindasan dari kaum pejabat yang berwenang.
Sejarah awal May Day lahir dari berbagai rentetan perjuangan kelas pekerja untuk meraih kendali ekonomi-politis hak-hak industrial. Perkembangan kapitalisme industri di awal abad 19 menandakan perubahan drastic ekonomi-politik, terutama di negara-negara kapitalis di Eropa Barat dan Amerika Serikat. Pengetatan disiplin dan pengintensifan jam kerja, minimnya upah, dan buruknya kondisi kerja di tingkatan pabrik, melahirkan perlawanan dari kalangan kelas pekerja.
Pemogokan pertama kelas pekerja Amerika Serikat terjadi di tahun 1806 oleh pekerja Cordwainers. Pemogokan ini membawa para pengorganisirnya ke meja pengadilan dan juga mengangkat fakta bahwa kelas pekerja di era tersebut bekerja dari 19 sampai 20 jam seharinya. Sejak saat itu, perjuangan untuk menuntut direduksinya jam kerja menjadi agenda bersama kelas pekerja di Amerika Serikat.
Kongres Internasional Pertama diselenggarakan pada September 1866 di Jenewa, Swiss, dihadiri berbagai elemen organisasi pekerja belahan dunia. Kongres ini menetapkan sebuah tuntutan mereduksi jam kerja menjadi delapan jam sehari, yang sebelumnya (masih pada tahun sama) telah dilakukan National Labour Union di AS: Sebagaimana batasan-batasan ini mewakili tuntutan umum kelas pekerja Amerika Serikat, maka kongres merubah tuntutan ini menjadi landasan umum kelas pekerja seluruh dunia.
Satu Mei ditetapkan sebagai hari perjuangan kelas pekerja dunia pada Konggres 1886 oleh Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions selain memberikan momen tuntutan delapan jam sehari, memberikan semangat baru perjuangan kelas pekerja yang mencapai titik masif di era tersebut.
Tanggal 1 Mei dipilih karena pada 1884 Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions, yang terinspirasi oleh kesuksesan aksi buruh di Kanada 1872 [1], menuntut delapan jam kerja di Amerika Serikat dan diberlakukan mulai 1 Mei 1886.
Akhir kata saya sampaikan "Selamat Hari Buruh Internasional" dan semoga perjuangan untuk merebut kemerdekaan bagi kaum buruh bisa segera terwujud!!!
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Count Down For Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009
Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 dalam hitungan jam akan segera diputuskan siapa pemenangnya. Sebuah perjuangan selama kurang lebih tiga bulan terhitung sejak 1 Februari 2009 hingga tanggal 1 Mei 2009 esok pukul 12.00 untuk mengoptimalkan sebuah halaman dengan kata kunci Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009. Saya sendiri yang asli sebagai penggembira di Kontes SEO ini telah melihat banyak sekali strategi yang telah digunakan dalam kontes ini, seperti politik uang (baca: membeli link), spamming (baca: komentar blog dofollow),spamming domain sampai membentuk tim sukses dan mungkin semua hal telah dioptimalkan baik itu SEO hitam atau SEO putih...apaan sih?!!! he3x.
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Yach, banyak curhatan dari peserta yang mengaku kalau salah strategi dalam Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009 dengan terlalu banyak menghabiskan tenaga di saat awal-awal kontes SEO ini..he3x yach inilah kontes SEO yang bagi saya lebih sulit mengikui kontes SEO dengan bangsa sendiri ketimbang dengan bangsa lain, entah kenapa hal itu bisa terjadi...mungkin orang indonesia suka-nya spamming kaleee...he3x tetapi detik-detik terakhir inilah sebenarnya pertarungan yang sesungguhnya (baca: Real Contest) karena disinilah pengetahuan, teknik, ketrampilan, teori dan uang yang akan berbicara, jadi selamat untuk menikmati detik-detik terakhir dari Kampanye Damai Pemilu Indonesia 2009
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Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Taylor Hicks Sings For American Idol

First, our congradulations goes to those who made it to American Idol top 4 list this evening. Few very interesting things happened during the American Idol April 29, 2009. American Idol season 5 winner Taylor Hicks returned to the idol stage to sing his latest single “Seven Mile Breakdown.”
Adam is in the bottom 3 of Idol This Week on April 29. This was the evening when American Idol when from top 5 to top 4.
The biggest shock of the night as American Idol dwindled its numbers to four was not who got sent home, but who was in the Bottom 3. At this point, at least one person had to grace the stools for the first time, but this week we got two newbies.
In the end though, it was Matt who was sent home, as expected. It was only two weeks ago, Matt was in this same spot and was spared by the judge’s save. I don’t think anyone expected him to win after that, but at least we got to hear him perform a couple more times.
Meanwhile,'American Idol' Season 5 winner Taylor Hicks has gone country! Well, at least a little bit. The Alabama native, known for his blues and soul music, is reportedly shipping his new single, 'Seven Mile Breakdown,' to country radio stations next month. Listen to the song after the jump, then tell us whether you think it sounds country.
Hicks' 2006 self-titled debut album sold more than a million copies. His sophomore album, 'The Distance,' was released last month on his own label, Modern Whomp Records, after the 32-year old musician parted ways with Arista Records. 'What's Right Is Right,' the first single from his new album, made it to No. 22 on the Hot AC charts. 'Seven Mile Breakdown' is the CD's second single. Hicks will sing it live Wednesday night, as he makes a guest appearance on 'American Idol.'
And finally, guest mentor Jamie Fox performed “Blame It.” This song was so far away from this week’s theme that I am again wondering why Jamie was a mentor for Rat Pack week. I was really in the mood for more big band tunes and instead I got a plug for Jamie’s album and his movie.
david poole dies at 50
american idol top 4: Matt Giraud Sent Home
Monori Tattoo, Porto Alegre
Monori Tattoo
Endereço: Rua Dos Andradas, 1664, Sl 508, centro, Porto Alegre-RS.
Telefone: (051) 3225-3733, 9213-8432














kirstie alley weight gain


Here are pictures of Kirstie Alley’s weight gain. Kirstie Alley’s weight gain is Oprah’s April 30 topic.
Kirstie Alley’s recent weight gain has gotten the attention of none other than Oprah.
In February 2008, LALATE reported about how Alley announced the launch of her own weight loss company called ASK KIRSTIE.
The bulbous Kristie Alley will appear on Oprah on April 30th to talk about her generous proportions and what keeps her motivated to eat so unhealthily.
Kirstie Alley signed a three-year contract as the spokesperson for Jenny Craig in 2005. After successfully losing about 75lbs, she famously appeared on Oprah Winfrey’s show in a skimpy bikini. In the short time since her contract with Jenny Craig ended, Alley has gained back the weight. In 2008, Kirstie Alley was replaced by Valerie Bertinelli as the spokesperson for Jenny Craig.
“As for me, I am from the school of “you may not be able to reinvent the wheel but you can sure try to better it,” which has proven to be a very successful attitude for Michelin tires.
“I had not intended to make this announcement at this time, but after an online PEOPLE magazine article ran last Friday, announcing that I had stepped down as Jenny’s spokesperson, I found myself bombarded with inquiries from the media and fans. So I guess it’s as good of a time as any to announce that I intend to develop and pilot my own weight-loss brand that I hope to launch in 2009.
“The weight-loss field is wide open and not immune to new ideas and improved solutions for the fat problems that plague many of us Americans every day. I want to create something new that will help millions of people end the seemingly never ending fatty-roller coaster ride. I am especially passionate about seeing to it that our next generations are not struggling with the same weight issues that my generation has struggled with.
“There was a time when America was not fat, and that was in our not-so-distant past. I’m confident that I can create something exciting and innovative: something that if all goes well, will help change a fat America back into a fit America and will offer this country the healthiest, yummiest, easiest and most effective weight-loss program on the market.
“If not, I’ll see you at Central Casting.
“Oh, but hey, don’t “Call Kirstie” just yet. You’ll be on hold too long. Call me next year. “
Yes, and now one year later Oprah is calling … to discuss Kirstie’s weight gain.
So if you want to see how not to gain weight after loosing just tune into Oprah on Thursday.
Please Watch Kirstie Alley Bikini Video below…
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Oitava Expo Tattoo Niterói 2009
Dia 10 de maio comemora-se oito anos de história e reconhecimento dos tatuadores e público carioca da Expo Tattoo Niterói. A organização da convenção, cada vez mais experiente, proporciona o que há de melhor em tatuagem à cidade de Niterói. Confira as informações abaixo e fique por dentro da Expo Tattoo Niterói 2009. Três dias de muita tatuagem piercing, entretenimento, moda, gastronomia, cultura e lazer.
Data: 12,13 e 14 de Junho de 2009
Local: Canto do Rio, avenida Visconde do Rio Branco, 701 Niterói
Ingresso: R$ 10,00
E-mail: tattooexponiteroi@gmail.com
Telefone: 21 2710-0072 ou 21 7865-2042
Abertura e encerramento: 13:00hs às 22:00hs
Hotéis:Niterói Palace, Niterói Plaza
Categorias do Concurso de Melhores Tatuagens
1) Melhor Série de Desenho
2) Melhor Tatuagem Colorida
3) Melhor Tatuagem Feminina
4) Melhor Tatuagem nas Costas
5) Melhor Tatuagem New School
6) Melhor Tatuagem Custom
7) Melhor Tatuagem Oriental
8) Melhor Tatuagem Tribal Maori
9) Melhor Tatuagem Preto e Cinza
10) Melhor Tatuagem Realismo
11) Melhor Tatuagem Portrait
12) Melhor Tatuagem Braço (100% tatuado)
13) Melhor Tatuagem Cartoon
14) Melhor Tatuagem Caricatura
15) Melhor Tatuagem Free Hand
16) Melhor Tatuagem Feita no Evento
- Premiações para 1º e 2º lugar, tatuador e tatuado.
- Todos os tatuadores do stand podem competir na mesma categoria.
- Cada tatuagem só competirá em uma categoria.
- As séries de desenhos devem ser próprias e conter ao menos 8 folhas A3 originais, as criações podem ser de 2008 e 2009.
Stands para estúdios
Preço: R$ 900,00 (até 30 de abril R$800,00)
R$300 (abril) + R$250 (maio) + R$250 (até dia 1 de junho)
Stands para venda de materiais e equipamentos
Preço: R$ 1.100,00 (até 30 de ABRIL R$ 1.000,00)
R$400 + R$300 (maio) + R$300 (até dia 1 de junho)
- Alimentação e Stands de Moda 2x2m - R$500,00
- Piso Marcado 2x2 (ala 1) área de vendas e moda: R$ 300,00
- Pagamento 1 + 2 xs depósito bancário ou cartão de crédito
- Pavilhão 1: Praça de Alimentação, Vendas, Roupas e Moda
- Pavilhão 2: Tatuagens e Vendas de Equipamentos para Tatuagem
Planta da Convenção
Expo Tattoo Niterói 7, Expo Tattoo Niterói 6 (vídeo 1), Expo Tattoo Niterói 6 (vídeo 2)
Oficina de Desenhos André Rodrigues, Realismo e Cartoon
As oficinas de desenhos com o tatuador André Rodrigues recomeçam em 19 de maio, data de retorno do tatuador ao Brasil. Programe-se.
Dias 19,20 e 21 de maio: realismo e cartoon - etapa 1
Dias 25,26 e 27 de maio: realismo e cartoon - etapa 2
Contatos e reservas
Site: www.donrodriguestattoo.com.br
E-mail/msn: cursos_rodrigues@hotmail.com
Telefone: 11-3051-3806
Adam Lambert sings "Feeling Good"

Adam Lambert sings "Feeling Good" to close "American Idol's" Rat Pack night, with a little "rock edge" he says. Jamie Foxx calls it "totally incredible."
The song has a bouncy 6/8 feel, and Adam, dressed in a white suit, starts simply but quickly vamps it up. It's flashy and sensual, and when Adam goes for the glory note, it's spectacular -- maybe the biggest, longest glory note in Idol history (anybody got a comparison)?
He just looks like a star, all backlit. A very interesting take on the song, is speeding up the tempo at times.
Man, it's another classic Lambert performance--stalks down the stairs, rock music kicks in, he's getting ready to melt this. Is totally on control on the stage; like KISS running full-tilt into Frank Sinatra. Great last note. Not, again, one of his top three, but still memorable as heck and, as always, interesting.
Randy feels he's sounding a like a broken record -- it was a little too theatrical, a little drama-filled -- but he's in the zone. Kara finds him shocking and confusing and sleazy and superb (she's very confused). Paula says words cannot describe: "You make me feel better than good."
Simon says Randy talking about Adam being too theatrical is like complaining that a cow moos. Simon says he gets the feeling that Adam wants to wins, wants to prove a point and wants to entertain. He also thinks it was Adam's best entrance of the year.
Was Adam Lambert's "Feeling Good" sleazy in a good way? A bit over-the-top? As great as Michael Phelps at the Olympics?Check out the video.
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Danny Gokey “Come Rain or Come Shine”
Matt Giraud sings "My Funny Valentine"
Danny Gokey “Come Rain or Come Shine”

Danny Gokey sang Come Rain or Come Shine. American Idol Top 5 performances. Rat Pack Week. April 28, 2009.
Vocally, this is very typical Danny. I do like the bridge, he gets to show off some jazzy chops on the bridge. This song seems to have about 6 notes, I think he could've picked something showier but overall it's good. There's a big stripper-music ending, I wish he had a glove to strip off a la Gilda. I am loathe to admit it, but I actually like this quite a bit.
Randy says he's the only one who could have an album of songs like that. Well, that's not true. Kris and Matt both fit in that box too, Randy. Guh. This Gokey love is kinda gross. Kara liked his "Rat Pat swagg-ah." She loved his creativity with the melody. Paula calls it stellar. Simon liked his confidence and says it was "outstanding." Is Simon padding his Finale Picks? Perhaps.
Here are the video from Danny Gokey and the lyric for the songs
Come Rain or Come Shine Lyrics
I'm gonna love you, like nobodys loved you
Come rain or come shine
High as a mountain, deep as a river
Come rain or come shine
I guess when you met me
It was just one of those things
But dont you ever bet me
cause Im gonna be true if you let me
Youre gonna love me, like nobodys loved me
Come rain or come shine
Well be happy together, unhappy together
Now wont that be just fine
The days may be cloudy or sunny
Were in or out of the money
But Im with you always
Im with you rain or shine
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Megan Fox in Jonah Hex

It was a big shock to her legions of fans when the Transformers star, 22, was voted only second in FHM's Sexiest Woman Alive poll - behind Cheryl Cole.
But the brunette bounced back in style today as she showed off her curves in a figure-hugging purple asymmetrical mini-dress and killer heels.
Megan was stopping by a Santa Monica hotel, near the shooting location of her latest film Jonah Hex.
When a batch of photos went online yesterday featuring Megan Fox on the set of “Jonah Hex,” there was no shortage of commentary about the images flying around the ‘Tubes. Whether it was the unbelievable corset that made her a living, breathing Barbie doll, or the distinct lack of much else in the way of clothes, the images of Fox had everyone talking about, well… everything except who she’ll be playing in the film.

It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to deduce that Fox will be playing someone comfortable with showing a fair share of skin, so could the “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” actress be playing a showgirl or, as some reports are claiming, a prostitute? “Jonah Hex” readers will certainly attest to the fact that the tales told of the ex-Confederate gunslinger have never shied away from offering a gritty picture of the Wild West, but would DC/Warner Bros allow such a racy take on one of their properties?
Another photo of Fox from the same batch of “Hex” pics shows the actress in a significantly less revealing costume, in back of a carriage. Could all of the skin in the previous photo simply be used for one of those “I’ll cause a distraction” moments we see so often in films? If so, then consider 90-percent of the Internet officially distracted before “Jonah Hex” is even finished filming.
The film also stars John Malkovich as voodoo doctor Quentin Turnball.
Last week, Megan's Sexiest Woman in the World crown was snatched away by Geordie Cheryl after the results of this year's FHM magazine poll were announced.
Following close behind Cheryl and Megan was Jessica Alba (three), Britney Spears (four) and glamour model Keeley Hazell (five).
Meanwhile, Megan has finally clarified her romantic status after weeks of speculation about her relationship with Brian Austin Green.

The actress insisted the couple were still together and very much in love, but said the marriage plans were on hold.
She said: 'I'm not going to be married - I'm not the marrying type.
'And I know what your next question is going to be - you're going to ask me, "Why are you engaged if you're not the marrying type?"
'I am impulsive and I love my boyfriend, but I have no plans of getting married any time soon.'
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Waspada Gejala Flu Babi
Waspada gejala flu babi dalam beberapa hari ini menjadi topik berita terhangat yang sering dibicarakan oleh banyak masyarakat bukan hanya di Indonesia saja melainkan menjadi topik hangat seluruh dunia untuk membicarakan tentang seputar Virus Flu Babi, Gejala Virus Flu Babi, Cara Penanggulangan Virus Flu Babi sampai Cara Waspada pada gejala Flu Babi yang awal mula penyebaran virus tersebut berasal dari negara Meksiko dan Amerika Serikat. Wabah penyakit flu babi atau swine flu ini sendiri ,menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) yang saat ini berkembang adalah versi baru virus flu N1H1 tipe A yang merupakan campuran dari virus flu yang biasa diderita manusia dan virus yang menyerang babi. Virus yang berasal dari virus H1N1 ini dipastikan lebih ganas dibandingkan virus flu yang biasanya menyerang manusia, hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan telah meninggalnya sedikitnya 100 orang dalam kasus flu babi H1N1 ini, maka dari itu pantaslah kalo bangsa ini menjadikan virus flu babi perhatian yang lebih agar virus tersebut tidak masuk ke Indonesia.
Untuk mengatasi virus flu babi masuk indonesia, maka bandara-bandara berlevel internasional memberikan suatu detektor sinar X untuk membaca Gejala Flu Babi lewat suhu tubuh seseorang. dan untuk mengetahui Gejala Flu Babi yang saat ini menyebar, maka perlulah kita waspada untuk mengetahui bagaimana Gejala Flu Babi, seperti:
1. Demam dengan suhu lebih dari 37,7 derajat celcius terus menerus
2. Badan terasa nyeri atau sakit
3. Radang atau nyeri pada tenggorokan
4. Batuk
5. Sulit bernapas
6. Dalam beberapa kasus pasien akan mual, muntah dan diare.
Dari gejala-gejala seperti inilah mungkin kita bisa mendeteksi sekaligus waspada pada gejala flu babi yang semakin hari semakin banyak korbannya, tapi semua usaha pencegahan virus flu babi itu haruslah dimulai dari pribadi kita masing-masing seperti dengan menjaga pola hidup bersih dan sehat, menutup hidup dan mulut saat bersin, mencuci tangan dengan sabun setelah melakukan aktivitas, dan segera periksa ke dokter apabila mengalami gejala flu mungkin suatu wujud dari diri kita sendiri untuk Waspada Gejala Flu Babi
Berjalan Di Atas Awan
Berjalan di atas awan, ini bukanlah suatu judul film apalagi judul lagu yang sedang ngetrend saat ini tetapi suatu khayalan tingakt tinggi seorang blogger
Mengapa pilihan khayalanku kali ini untuk Berjalan Di Atas Awan?! kenapa kok ga milih khayalan bermain cinta dengan Aura Kasih atau menjadi seorang blogger artis supaya websitenya banyak yang mengunjungi...he3x yach mungkin itu belum saatnya kaleee untuk berkhayal seperti itu. Dengan berkhayal bisa berjalan di atas awan kita bisa belajar tentang apa sih arti berjalan yang sesungguhnya. Dari sebuah kata berjalan sendiri kita bisa mendapati arti untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan fleksible tanpa ada yang mengekang, dan awan adalah simbol keindahan yang tiap hari kita temui baik siang maupun malam. Awan bisa memberikan keteduhan dan kenyamanan saat kita kepanasan, awan juga bisa memberikan sebuah inspirasi saat kehabisan ide, dan tak dipungkiri lagi kalo awan adalah alah satu ciptaan terindah Sang pencipta yang tidak akan pernah hilang dari kehidupan.
Dan mungkin dengan berjalan di atas awan, seorang blogger seperti biongo bisa melihat sebuah hal yang indah disana dan dengan cara berjalan saja yang bisa saya lakukan karena pastinya ga ada namanya alat transportasi disana..he3x dan dengan berjalan pastilah saya bisa melihat keindahan untuk tiap langkah saya yang saya pijakkan di awan-awan itu... Yach mungkin inilah suatu khayalan tingkat tinggi saya sebelum tidur dan semoga keingianku Berjalan Di Atas Awan bisa terwujud di sebuah mimpi bentar lagi...he3x
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who is trevor ariza girlfriend?

Trevor Ariza is among famous in girlfriends. Every one is interesting in looking for who is his current girlfriend. His fans are very keen in looking for his affairs. He is the hottest buzz in U.S.A.
Trevor Ariza full name Trevor Anthony Ariza was born June 30, 1985. Every sports lover know him as an American basketball player in the NBA. There is a debate about the Trevor Ariza’s Girlfriend, rather he has a girlfriend or not, and if he have a girlfriend, then, who is she?.
Some resources give a clue that “Jasmine” has committed to be the girlfriend of Trevor Ariza but it can not be confirmed as there is not even a single photo of “Jasmine”.
When Trevor Ariza was presenting as Dove’s Newest SpokesMAN, a 40 years old lady from Los Angeles claimed to be his wife and also claimed to be the mother of his son.
Trevor Anthony Ariza born on 30 June 1985 in Miami Florida is an American basketball player in the NBA for the Los Angeles Lakers. His fathers Kenney McClary also use to play at Florida University in 1980’s. Ariza is popular among all players in his team due to his defensive skill. He started his game career from Westchester High School in Los Angeles, there as a junior player he joined NBA players to lead the California State championship. Ariza spend only one year at UCLA then he started with the Knicks under Larry Brown till 2005 after that he was replaced by David Lee.
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Monday, April 27, 2009
Segunda Pele Tattoo
O Sleeve Tattoo já citado anteriormente no blog devido ao sucesso nos Estados Unidos e Europa chega ao Brasil. Conheça agora o Tattoo 2ª Pele nosso mais novo parceiro.Tatuagem de vestir - Tattoo 2ª Pele - a solução para quem gostaria de ter uma tatuagem e por algum motivo sente-se privado deste gosto. Um novo produto que permite que você tenha sua tattoo em instantes, sem dor, confortáveis, com desenhos de tatuagens em diversos temas old school, new school, orientais, coloridos, caveiras, celtas, tribais, entre outros, você veste nos braços ou pernas, dando a impressão que está totalmente tatuado. Se você está em dúvida a cerca de tatuagem, essa é sua oportunidade de sentir-se um verdadeiro cultuador da BodyArt.





Como adquirir:
Distribuidor: Alexandre Hesse
E-mail: alehesse1@yahoo.com.br
Telefone: (13) 8135-2013
Site: www.lab-5.com/tattoo
kim kardashian new hair color

The new color is pretty and makes her look like she could be Eva Longoria's sister (not exactly a bad thing), and they look a bit lighter at the ends, which is what stylists are all telling us is most modern these days.
Kim Kardashian has revealed what she's calling a "drastic new look". She's gone blonde and has been Twittering about it like there's no tomorrow:
I'm LOVING my blonde hair!
I WENT BLONDE!!!! Do u like it?
Sleep tight Khloball! see u tuesday! Khloe do u like my light hair? I'm trying to look like u!
Tips for Kim or anyone going lighter: use a deep conditioner once a week (our beauty director, Amy Keller, swears by Aussie Deeeep 3 Minute Miracle) and products for dyed hair daily (like L'Oréal Professionnel Colorist Collection shampoos and conditioners). And if you're going to color your hair yourself at home, never go more than two shades lighter than your base color.
I'm all for playing around with your style and love to color my own hair, but I'm not at all a fan of Kim Kardashian as a blonde. She looked much hotter and exotic looking with the dark hair. What do you think?
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Tips Menembak Keyword
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heidi and heather burge on Double Team

Heidi and Heather Burge are the real twins on who a movie called “Double Teamed” is based. Heidi and Heather story with the WNBA is remarkable and you can see it on this Disney Original Movie.
The part of the twins is played by Annie McElwain and Poppi Monroe; both of them have appeared on TV before. McElwain on the unpopular spin-off “Saved by the Bell: The New Class” and Monroe in part on “The Last Don”. Now it’s their turn to play twin basketball sisters.
Double Teamed is the true story of WNBA players Heidi and Heather Burge. High school freshman Heidi (played by Annie McElwain, whose past acting credits include SAVED BY THE BELL: THE NEW CLASS) and her sister Heather (played by Poppi Monroe, whose previous acting was in THE LAST DON) are twins in the life. They were not identical in any way because they had different personalities and likings.
IMDB says of the show:
“Heather and Heidi Burge go to an inner-city school where they play volleyball on a team. Their father decides that they need to go to a bigger school outside of their school area so that they can get scholarships. At first the twins were supposed to be playing Volleyball at their new school but then 6′1 Heather is discovered by the basketball coach. Heidi is into drama but is forced to play basketball by her father. It’s discovered that they live out of the school zone so they have to move out of their big beautiful house into a small apartment because their father is stuck on them playing basketball. Can they overcome all of these obstacles and win the game at the end?”
Poppi Monroe … Heather Burge
Annie McElwain … Heidi Burge
Teal Redmann … Nicky Williams
Nick Searcy … Larry Burge
The Post Gazette gives it 2 stars out of a possible 5 stars.
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Friday, April 24, 2009
Rommenigge Tattoo, Maceió

Rommenigge tatua em Alagoas juntamente com Duda e Vitor (criação), e formam assim o Central Tattoo. Veja algumas tatuagens de Rommenigge Tattoo, entre elas: rosas, Jesus Cristo, frase, oriental, old School e estrela.
Central Tattoo
Telefones: 8825-5979 / 8886-0825
Endereço: Rua do Comércio, N° 679, Sala 11, Centro, Maceió. Em frente ao palácio dos Pães, galeria da loja Paranoid Metal Rock.















