Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gawker vs. Fox News

I don't know if you've been following this inside-the-media hissy-off, but it's been entertaining. Fox News is conducting a pretaliation (new word) against Gawker, saying that Gawker's online traffic is down 75%. Gawker claims that isn't true at all (they say it's about flat), and claims the real reason the full force of the entire network is attacking them is that Gawker has an explosive story about a Fox News anchor ready to go.

Hard to pick a side here because both are so sleazy, but my money's on Gawker this time.

Think about this: Lets say Gawker's numbers really are down, as Fox News is claiming. Why would Fox News even report that as a news story on one show, let alone a whole host of shows? Is that even a news story?

Now I'm really looking forward to the explosive story next week and the inevitable Fox News dismissal of it with "they're just trying to drive traffic because their numbers are down so much."

Love 'em or hate 'em, you have to give Fox News credit. Debate the ethics of it all you want (and really, let's face it, it's not much of a debate), but it's incredibly difficult to go up against an entire network that actually plans and executes coordinated pre-attacks. Even brothers in shamelessness (like Gawker) have very little chance of success against that.

I hope this story is as good as Fox News seems to think it is.