Granted, it's on a tiny suburban station (WJJG-AM), but he will officially be back on the air in the Chicagoland area. He talked to Robert Feder about his return, and sounds like he's taking a page out of the Rush Limbaugh 'Talent on loan from God' book...
“As you well know, Mr. Feder, with extraordinary resiliency I’ve never stopped. I have ripped off my life’s rearview mirror. I’m an audio shark of the airwaves always moving forward. My show is even better now. I know that’s impossible for some to comprehend. ‘How could Mancow possibly be better?’ some will scoff. I know. Sometimes I can’t believe how wondrous the show sounds through my own headphones. The PC radio middle-manager types from foreign lands outside of ChiCOWgo want safe and boring. Know this: When Mancow returns, Chicago will once more be the epicenter of radio.”