Friday, September 16, 2011

The Dixie Chicks

It has only taken eight years, but it sounds like country music radio is slowly forgiving the Dixie Chicks for saying they were ashamed to be from the same state as George Bush.

You may not remember exactly how crazy those days were, but just playing the Dixie Chicks on the radio was considered grounds for dismissal at the time. I know what I'm talking about here--it almost happened to me.

In retrospect, it even sounds crazier.

After the kinds of things that have been said about our presidents since that time (both Bush and Obama), that comment by Dixie Chick's singer Natalie Maines is laughably tame. Honestly, I even thought it was tame at the time after some of the things that were openly said about President Clinton just a few years earlier.

Thankfully time provides perspective.