Yesterday former White House chief of staff Erskine Bowles (Democrat) and former Senator Alan Simpson (Republican) testified to the super-committee about what obviously needs to be done to resolve the huge debt problem.
You need to raise revenue, and you need to cut spending.
Everybody in the country knows this. It's a big gigantic DUH. Only the most strident (and clueless) partisans on both sides think that only doing one (revenues or taxes) will take care of the problem. But, of course, the Republicans won't raise revenue and the Democrats won't cut spending until Republicans agree to raise taxes, so...guess what? They're deadlocked.
The approval rate for Congress right now is 9%. 9%!
Fellas, listen. The overwhelming majority of Americans (something like 70% in all the polls I've seen) are perfectly willing to accept a slight raising of taxes (even Republicans) and cutting of benefits (even Democrats) because we know we're in a crisis situation here. This isn't even controversial.
You can't possibly be that cowardly (or stupid), can you?