Friday, October 28, 2011

Clear Channel Cuts

Even the New York Times noticed the DJ bloodbath at Clear Channel this time. This is not normal business practice. This is incredibly extreme.

Here's my favorite part of the article, a quote from Clear Channel's spokesperson about the hacking of local hosts across the country: “The content our listeners hear will be more localized, not less, even though some of the hosts won’t be living or working in those local areas."

That quote could have come right from the pages of $everance.

Just as an aside, $everance has recently found a whole new audience. My publisher offered it as a free e-book download (check ENC Press on Facebook if you're interested), and I've been hearing from people all over the country--including a bunch from the Occupy Wall Street crowd. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. I take no joy in being right about the future of the media and Wall Street. I would have rather been wrong.